B and B blog

Zag zag zig wallpaper March 19, 2019 12:00

This graphic black and white image was first hand drawn (no ruler) and then repeated digitally. I am not a fan of straight lines, they are too regimented for me. I'm a bit of a rebel and want my images to show the wibbles and wobbles, I will not conform!

Zag zag zig wallpaper

Freedom to draw July 13, 2018 12:00

How nice it has been to take a bit of time just to sketch. It's a little world that I rule, nothing is wrong unless you don't like it. I really get lost in it and listen to the music I love loud unless it's night time and kids are in bed!

Hours go by like minutes and my imagination has no limits. I spent about five hours doing this drawing and it has been changed loads since these pictures. The whole process is long but in the end it is worth it.

Illustrated sketch 2

Illustrated sketch 1

Illustrated sketch 3

 Illustrated sketch 4

Eley Kishimoto Centrepoint May 27, 2015 12:00

Our design heroes Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto from Eley Kishimoto have surpassed themselves.

Eley Kishimoto Private View / Mono Beehive

Their print, Private View, is being used to wrap the iconic Centrepoint building in London's Tottenham Road. Another print, Mono Beehive, will be used to decorate the affordable housing being created as part of the Tottenham Court Road Crossrail redevelopment.

Centrepoint topped with Private View

Centrepoint being wrapped in Eley Kishimoto print

It seems like only yesterday we were queueing up opposite Centrepoint at 14 to go to Mud Club at Busby or a bit later to Sin at the Astoria with infamous raving in the fountains after. Shh don't tell the kids.

It's nice to see Eley Kishimoto's design work come full circle - in 2013 they designed a print and fashion collection inspired by Centrepoint and now they are wrapping the real thing. British design rules!

Eley Kishimoto Centre Point

