B and B blog
How to ace networking in London February 2, 2018 12:00
Networking - whether you love it or hate it there is no getting away from it! We recently blogged about using Shapr app to network online. It's also vital to consider face to face networking. Make sure you are signed up to EventBrite too as it is the site of choice to register for many networking events.
We recently attended 'Network Like a Ninja' at Barking Enterprise Centre as part of the free training they have on offer to entrepreneurs. This practical session on how get the most out of networking was run by the fabulous Kathy Ennis from Little Piggy. She has inspired us to get creative with our networking so we decided to create this list to help you do the same!

- BNI - this is a biggie... we've never attended but we hear that lots of people get good results. The fees are quite hefty and you have to commit to regular attendance to weekly breakfast meetings, however this should create additional business for you.
- Co-working spaces - if you are lucky enough to be located in a cool co-working space, they often hold events where you can learn and network with other members.
The community managers at Central Working Bloomsbury always make sure members enjoy the evening events and promote relevant local talks too!
We Work hold some cool talks - a memorable one was tattoo artist's Manuela Gray's screening of her Numbers film about tattoos on prisoners in South Africa, and her photos of subjects. The event was completed by tattoo iced biscuits and Sailor Jerry cocktails served out of a gasoline can. The community managers at Central Working Bloomsbury always make sure members enjoy the evening events and promote relevant local talks too! - Council - try your local council for networking groups in your area. For example, London Borough of Havering Business Development organise Women in Business events every quarter.
- Enterprise Nation - hold meet-ups in London and other regional events. The meet-ups are advertised on their events page. They are free to members and there is a small charge for non-members.
- Independent local groups - my favourite event is networking group Havering B-Hive held in Yates Romford at 10am on the last Thursday of every month. Ask local business people where they like to go, and keep your eyes peeled for advertising in your area. Joining a nearby group enables you to hear all the gossip about nearby developments and expand useful business connections.
- It's Nice That - Nicer Tuesdays events with creative talks and opportunity to network with like-minded peeps.
- Meetup - this is a bit of a wild card. It's free to join the site and you can set your location and interests and then local meet-ups will be suggested. We get email alerts of new local events and decide if they are relevant to us without having to constantly seek new opportunities.
- Mum to Millionaire - The bubbly and infectiously enthusiastic Veena V holds bi-monthly meet-ups for mums with great businesses. She also runs her own Youtube Channel Veena V and is a trainer helping businesses to get confident on video (but what mum isn't great at multi-tasking?).
- Property Investors Network - PIN events are held at key locations nationwide. These property networking meetings can be very well attended and are a great way to meet property professionals.
- Women in Business Network - WIBN run events every month at groups across the country. We have been invited as guests to our local group in WIBN Romford and are looking forward to attending next month.