B and B blog

Zag zag zig wallpaper March 19, 2019 12:00

This graphic black and white image was first hand drawn (no ruler) and then repeated digitally. I am not a fan of straight lines, they are too regimented for me. I'm a bit of a rebel and want my images to show the wibbles and wobbles, I will not conform!

Zag zag zig wallpaper

Boom wallpaper February 19, 2019 12:00

Sometimes I put aside a chunk of time to do some sketching of any old thing that I fancy. Some of this work ends up in the bin and some of it sits on my computer under new ideas for months, even years, until I am ready to look at it again. I may not like a sketch but something about it makes me keep it. Some of my best work has come out of a drawing that I have done and forgotten, and then I revisit and realise its potential. This is when I produce my best work I feel. 

boom wallpaper

Skull love June 17, 2015 12:00

Skulls are another passion of mine, second only to smiley faces...

Lola Crest cushion

Skull cushion

Butterfly Skull rug

Skull Frame cushion

Princes Trust x Asda June 10, 2015 12:00

Princes Trust x Asda homewares

Princes Trust x Asda pottery

I was doing a shop some months ago in Asda (as you do) and I came across the homewares designed by businesses supported by Princes Trust. Saw some really lovely products with super cute illustrations on. Was really pleased to see these as we ourselves were supported by the Princes Trust many moons ago when we started our ventures. It's so good to see that such high profile high-street companies are getting involved and helping to support the Princes Trust. The collection is ongoing and theree are lots of lovely products in stock at the moment.

Princes Trust x Asda cushions

Princes Trust x Asda tray

Princes Trust also have a shop called Tomorrow's Store in Liverpool Street where you can purchase lots of goodies and see all the work from up and coming designers. It's on a busy street with plenty of footfall just near the station.

Tomorrow's Store shopfront

We were very grateful for the help that we received and it's so nice to see Princes Trust continuing to offer support and opportunities to those at the start of their creative careers.


Eley Kishimoto Centrepoint May 27, 2015 12:00

Our design heroes Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto from Eley Kishimoto have surpassed themselves.

Eley Kishimoto Private View / Mono Beehive

Their print, Private View, is being used to wrap the iconic Centrepoint building in London's Tottenham Road. Another print, Mono Beehive, will be used to decorate the affordable housing being created as part of the Tottenham Court Road Crossrail redevelopment.

Centrepoint topped with Private View

Centrepoint being wrapped in Eley Kishimoto print

It seems like only yesterday we were queueing up opposite Centrepoint at 14 to go to Mud Club at Busby or a bit later to Sin at the Astoria with infamous raving in the fountains after. Shh don't tell the kids.

It's nice to see Eley Kishimoto's design work come full circle - in 2013 they designed a print and fashion collection inspired by Centrepoint and now they are wrapping the real thing. British design rules!

Eley Kishimoto Centre Point



Grand opening of a very small office May 13, 2015 12:00

Finally got round to painting and sprucing up one of the B&B offices. Feeling very pleased with ourselves. Almost felt like smashing a champagne bottle against the wall to launch it!

Office art

Office shelf

Deer in office window


Pick Me Up exhibition Somerset House 23 April - 4 May 2015 April 29, 2015 12:00

We popped over to Pick Me Up graphic arts festival to see what all the fuss was about and liked what we saw. All sorts of art on sale with prices from £2 to £500, well worth a visit. 

Pick Me Up plaques
Pick Me Up London art
Pick Me Up Camera art
Pick Me Up Dunce art
Pick Me Up Obey art
Pick Me Up Hip Hop Don't Stop art
Pick Me Up Pocko stand
Somerset House, London
23 April - 4 May 2015

Limted edition prints April 22, 2015 12:00

Getting ready to send artwork to printers for our new limited edition that will be on sale in the next few months. These will be framed or unframed prints at affordable prices. Nice additions to office, home, kids room... add a little B&B in your life.

Brennan & Burch Boxhead print in frame
Brennan & Burch Emily print in frame
Brennan & Burch Get Together print in frame
Brennan & Burch Lost in the Forest print in frame

Happy faces February 18, 2015 12:00

We have forever had a thing about smiley/happy faces since the heady days of acid house in the 80's until now (sadly didn't own a smiley acid house t-shirt, thought it was a blessing in them days).

When I am drawing I often think can I squeeze one in and often I do... my smileys sum me up, happy looking on the outside with a dark and foreboding tinge...

Brennan & Burch smiley badge

Brennan & Burch Dreams of John the soft rock singer print

Brennan & Burch Friends print

Brennan & Burch Sacrifice print

Brennan & Burch Smoke in your eyes print

Pure Evil x Royal Doulton mash up February 4, 2015 12:00

Look at these super duper Pure Evil bunnies and plates limited edition collaborations with Royal Doulton.

Oh yes please I'd love a bit of that Brennan & Burch x Royal Doulton, here I am just waiting for my phone to ring...

Now back to reality - absolutely love this collaboration and have pur-chased some of the fantastic graphic art plates for my wall. Thumbs up to Pure Evil for making pottery street. Wall plates are not an old woman's game any more!

Pure Evil gold bunny

Pure evil red bunny

Pure Evil Audrey plate

Pure Evil Marilyn Dali plate

Pure Evil 4 mini plates

