B and B blog
Princes Trust x Asda June 10, 2015 12:00
I was doing a shop some months ago in Asda (as you do) and I came across the homewares designed by businesses supported by Princes Trust. Saw some really lovely products with super cute illustrations on. Was really pleased to see these as we ourselves were supported by the Princes Trust many moons ago when we started our ventures. It's so good to see that such high profile high-street companies are getting involved and helping to support the Princes Trust. The collection is ongoing and theree are lots of lovely products in stock at the moment.
Princes Trust also have a shop called Tomorrow's Store in Liverpool Street where you can purchase lots of goodies and see all the work from up and coming designers. It's on a busy street with plenty of footfall just near the station.
We were very grateful for the help that we received and it's so nice to see Princes Trust continuing to offer support and opportunities to those at the start of their creative careers.
Mini Moderns x Pure Whitby DAB Radios June 3, 2015 12:00
Mini Moderns and Pure have a new range of digital radios with bluetooth out soon. They are decorated with their popular Whitby print.
Available from July, nice one lads!
The super friendly Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire from Mini Moderns (Photo: Will Cooper-Mitchell)
Eley Kishimoto Centrepoint May 27, 2015 12:00
Our design heroes Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto from Eley Kishimoto have surpassed themselves.
Their print, Private View, is being used to wrap the iconic Centrepoint building in London's Tottenham Road. Another print, Mono Beehive, will be used to decorate the affordable housing being created as part of the Tottenham Court Road Crossrail redevelopment.
It seems like only yesterday we were queueing up opposite Centrepoint at 14 to go to Mud Club at Busby or a bit later to Sin at the Astoria with infamous raving in the fountains after. Shh don't tell the kids.
It's nice to see Eley Kishimoto's design work come full circle - in 2013 they designed a print and fashion collection inspired by Centrepoint and now they are wrapping the real thing. British design rules!
B & B interview founders of Katy Blades May 20, 2015 12:00 1 Comment
B&B: Charlotte Blades, we met donkey years ago when we used to have our store in Carnaby Street and you championed our oddball streetwear as it matched your kooky personality. Now you have opened your own tongue in cheek quirky online shop Katy Blades selling super cool gifts with your bestie Kate Simpson. We know you are super busy at the moment, thanks for taking the time to have a catch up.
How did the idea of Katy Blades come about?
Kate: For me, it came up after a life changing event, I ditched the dross (i.e. ex-husband) and, with some financial help and a gorgeously hairy and generous new fiancé, I was in the position to put my proposal for world domination to Charlotte, my oldest buddy.
Charlotte: For me it was just about getting off the gin...
Kate: Seriously Charlotte... people are reading this.
Charlotte: OK, I’d been made redundant after daring to have a second child (thanks for that). I was merrily making my jewellery to stop myself from being bored/weed on, picking up lego/Weetabix, when Kate mentioned the idea of starting a shop. It blossomed out of a need for independence, something to invest in for our future and we just did lots of research into things we like. We’re still learning. but it’s been invaluable to have made mistakes as we’re gradually learning our market.
How did you two meet?
Charlotte: We met through mutual friends, and I can recall seeing a sweaty Kate in the basement of the now defunct Wine Cellar ‘club’ in Woolwich… frankly we all took our life in our own hands there. She was as vivacious and full of vim then as she is now…”
Kate: Yeah, through a toxic haze, this beautiful petite thing came into my life. We've been through parties, boyfriend break ups, house removals, Glastonburys, several England football matches and a whole lot of Gin together.
Where are you based?
Saaarff East London/North Kent borders… follow the Thames far enough and we are just past Charlton.
What's your most popular product?
Kate: Without a doubt, Pink Flamingos and Beard Wash Kits. People are hairy and kitsch, what can we say?
Most important of all, will you have any more pink garden flamingos for the garden, as Lisa is not quite ready to purchase yet till her garden done?
Kate: Definitely, not only do we have flamingos, we also have a darling set of three swan planters. Charlotte thinks they are better suited to using as elaborate punch bowls…oh and the new plastic pineapple pots we’ve got coming are great too.
Charlotte: Yeah, they would be great filled with pimms! Loads of ice and some fancy straws! No? Just me then….hah they are probably not watertight. I shouldn’t recommend people do that.
Kate: No Charlotte, you shouldn’t!
David Hasselhoff (The Hoff) or Midge Ure?
Charlotte: Tough, I saw The Hoff in Chicago in the West End. I laughed so much and got so excited I melted a whole bag of Maltesers which I’d left in my lap... then again Ure has the indelible style of the Vienna video. I’d have to say Selleck.
Kate: Selleck all day long.
B&B: Ha ha, wanted to throw you - knew it would be Tom Selleck or Phil Collins!
What three words describe each of you?
Kate: Tall, Blonde, Achiever
Charlotte: Short, Dark, Hairscarves
What is playing in the background while you work at the moment?
At the moment it’s Phil Collins of course! (That’s All... Just when I thought it was going alright, find out I’m wrong when I thought it was right, it’s always the same it’s just a shame, and that’s all) but usually its someone from the holy Trinity (Genesis, Prince or Dolly – natch).
Where do you see yourselves in the next couple of years?
Charlotte: Well, to be honest, things are really picking up. We are focusing on our upcoming stall at Spitalfields Market this Sunday. We’re hoping that will become a regular thing for us, as well as driving traffic to the website. We hope to have a really extended homewares range in a couple of years as we are finding our passions lie somewhere between kitsch and cool.
Kate: Yeah, I’d like to see us corner the entire tea towel market and make a real success of Spitalfields. It's great having an online shop, but getting out and meeting the customers and showing off your wares is what we’re really looking forward to.
Charlotte: Thanks for always staying in touch girls, you are our design heroes x
B&B: Aw shucks... thanks.
Katy Blades
Website: https://www.katyblades.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/KatyBlades/811937055514289
Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/KatyBladesShop/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/katybladesshop
Tumblr: http://katyblades.tumblr.com
Grand opening of a very small office May 13, 2015 12:00
Finally got round to painting and sprucing up one of the B&B offices. Feeling very pleased with ourselves. Almost felt like smashing a champagne bottle against the wall to launch it!
Feeling the love for the art around Old Street May 6, 2015 12:00

Pick Me Up exhibition Somerset House 23 April - 4 May 2015 April 29, 2015 12:00
We popped over to Pick Me Up graphic arts festival to see what all the fuss was about and liked what we saw. All sorts of art on sale with prices from £2 to £500, well worth a visit.

Limted edition prints April 22, 2015 12:00
Getting ready to send artwork to printers for our new limited edition that will be on sale in the next few months. These will be framed or unframed prints at affordable prices. Nice additions to office, home, kids room... add a little B&B in your life.

A boy, an owl hat, a smiley clock and a Parisian dog walk into a pub... April 15, 2015 12:00
This week I have been doing some sketching and thinking. Working on doing some limited edition prints in the near future.
Enjoying stretching my imagination!

Bringing sexy back April 8, 2015 12:00
How would you like a nice strong tattooed man in a loincloth in your life, well here he is...knock yourself out girls or for that matter boys!
Just one of the drawings i am working on at the mo.
Freezing our arses off at the beach March 25, 2015 12:00

Tat-tastic March 18, 2015 12:00
While in the middle of deliberating what tattoo to have next, we have been transfixed on Pinterest, flooding our brainwaves with the beautiful art of the tattoo.
Our own beloved tattoos are just not enough any more. It is so true, once you start you are in danger of becoming addicted.
Rose Tattoos by Kiley, Cult Classic Tattoo
Bow tattoos by Neal, Cult Classic Tattoo
Bow design courtesy of Ridley & Dowse:
Tattoos courtesy of Cult Classic Tattoo:
Wayne Hemingway - The Classic Car Boot Sale March 11, 2015 12:00

B&B interview illustrator Stephen Timms March 4, 2015 12:00 1 Comment
We came across this great illustrator, Stephen Timms, recently. Although the style is not similar to my own, it is the darkness of his work that is attractive to me. Also he works by hand and loves a pen just like me. Had a little chat to see what being Stephen Timms is all about.
Where are you based?
Romford, Essex.
How would you describe your style?
I was heavily inspired when I was younger by comic books, this was the main source of artistic information available to me as a kid, and my style grew upon this. I remember one Christmas as a kid, I got a Spirograph, and I would sit for hours creating patterns. Then one day I thought "I wonder if I could do this without the help of the graph", and then from that day I drew everything, houses, trees, tinned food labels, if I stood still long enough I would draw something. My style has become quite distinctive, and those who know me and have worked with me, can pick my work out from anywhere. I have perfected my style as a graphic novel, whimsical style with a dark undertone.
What or who inspires you?
Everything, literally everything, every blade of grass I feel, the sound of the wind, other peoples work, my mind is like a rolodex and just keeps spinning all day with ideas. There are only a few artists I look up to as inspirational heroes to me. One of them is Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragonball Z my lifelong inspirational manga program, even to this day, Paul Kidby the Discworld Illustrator, and a very good friend of mine, Eleanor Darling, who creates some beautiful realistic work.
What are you working on at the moment?
At the moment I am working with a client of mine called Skremz, he's an English based hip hop artist. I create his logos and flyers and anything that needs designing. I am also working with RCAP at Romford, in the Workshop located in the quadrant arcade. This is a store which sells locally based artists works, and graduate students works.
Pencil or computer?
Pencil, always a pencil, I got ink for blood and pencil lead for veins. I'm a traditional man through and through, but obviously have to use computer software.
What three words describe you?
Machine, Passionate, Dedicated.
What's playing in the background while you draw at the moment?
Andre Bocelli
Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years?
I am aiming to open my own studio, dealing with a range of design work. I wish to get the local talented designers and artists, and work together, as a collective. That’s the dream.
Stephen Timms, Illustrator
Email: machineheart23@yahoo.co.uk
Deviant Art: http://machineheart23.deviantart.com
Linkedin: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/stephen-timms/a5/920/99a/en
We love runty toys February 25, 2015 12:00

Happy faces February 18, 2015 12:00
We have forever had a thing about smiley/happy faces since the heady days of acid house in the 80's until now (sadly didn't own a smiley acid house t-shirt, thought it was a blessing in them days).
When I am drawing I often think can I squeeze one in and often I do... my smileys sum me up, happy looking on the outside with a dark and foreboding tinge...
Roll up roll up B&B circus is here! February 11, 2015 12:00
Minds been flowing with ideas lately, am thinking circus, hell, bondage, flying things and of course clowns. Been trying to put drawing to paper and got down a few ideas. Am liking where it's going, can't wait for the bigger picture (rubbing hands together in glee).
Pure Evil x Royal Doulton mash up February 4, 2015 12:00
Look at these super duper Pure Evil bunnies and plates limited edition collaborations with Royal Doulton.
Oh yes please I'd love a bit of that Brennan & Burch x Royal Doulton, here I am just waiting for my phone to ring...
Now back to reality - absolutely love this collaboration and have pur-chased some of the fantastic graphic art plates for my wall. Thumbs up to Pure Evil for making pottery street. Wall plates are not an old woman's game any more!
Out and about in Shoreditch January 28, 2015 12:00
Running some errands and we couldn't help stopping to take pics of a few of these graffiti pieces in Shoreditch, East London. From old school tagging to new school street art, the area has the lot if you just look around you.
It's all about old skool mix tapes January 21, 2015 12:00
Couldn't resist this tape bag, obviously love all the retro old skool stylee, who doesn't?
I am a sucker for tapes as you can see by our gorgeous large 3D tape cushion and fabulous tape repeat extra-wide textured wallpaper.
Let's face it January 14, 2015 12:00
I have wanted to take a picture of this derelict pub in Finsbury Park for years now, it has stood there all alone for up to 10 years. I, don't remember when I first noticed the graff faces painted all over the front but it is a good few years. I don't know who painted them but I always find them fascinating and wonder what is the story behind them.
I sometimes think the faces are of the crowds that used to come to the gigs open mouthed and in the moment, or are they the people of Finsbury Park all colours and nationalities, or are they all facing left for a reason maybe waiting for something to happen in that direction or pointing that way and it is code for something.
I found out that it was originally a pub called Sir George Robey and then changed hands a few times before it became a a venue called Club Dog in the 1980s for lots of up and coming artists like Blur, The Pogues and T'Pau and Bad Manners. In the 1990s it was taken over and then called the Powerhaus.
Now it is waiting to be pulled down and made into flats (what a surprise).
Carnivals, lost children, dark forests, clowns and mouths ooh my... January 7, 2015 12:00
Now Christmas and New Year have blown over I am getting myself back on my trusty pen and sketching a few new ideas for up and coming stuff. Nothing is better then getting lost in the art of the scribble and going with it and letting it take you anywhere your imagination lets you. At the mo I am thinking carnivals, lost children, dark forests, clowns and mouths.
Have a hoot at Christmas December 23, 2014 21:51
Merry Christmas one and all.
Thank you for your continued support over the last year and have a fab New Year 2015!